Debian Directory Structure
A description of the hierarchy specified in the FHS
- /bin/
Essential command executable (binaries) for all users (e.g., cat, ls, cp)
(especially files required to boot or rescue the system)
Boot loader, kernels and initrd files
- /dev/
devices files (e.g., :/dev/null)
- /etc/
Host-specific system-wide configuration files (from et cetera)
- /home/
Users' home directories
- /lib/
Libraries essential for the binaries in /bin/ and /sbin/
(library required to boot or rescue the system)
- /lost+found/
Some files and fragment that were "recovered" during the previous fsck (Not part of FHS)
- /mnt/
Temporarily mounted filesystems
- /media/
Mount points for removable media such as CD-ROMs (appeared in FHS-2.3)
- /opt/
Add-on application software packages
Pre-compiled, non ".deb" binary distribution (tar'ed..) goes here.
- /proc/
Virtual filesystem documenting kernel and process status, mostly text files (e.g., uptime, network)
- /root/
Home directory for the root user
- /sbin/
System administrative binaries (e.g., init, route, ifup) (system binaries)
(files required to boot or rescue the system)
- /tmp/
Temporary files
- /selinux/
- SE-Linux runtime settings (Not part of FHS).
- /srv/
Site-specific data which is served by the system (Not part of FHS).
- /sys/
The filesystem for exporting kernel objects.
(many /proc/* files should have been here...)
- /usr/
Secondary hierarchy for shareable, read-only data (formerly from UNIX source repository, now from UNIX system resources)
(files that are not-required to boot or rescue the system)
/usr/include/ : Standard include files
/usr/share/ : Architecture-independent (shared) data
/usr/src/ : Source code (to build debian packages. see also /usr/local/src/)
/usr/X11R6/ : X Window System, Version 11 Release 6
/usr/local/ : Tertiary hierarchy for local data installed by the system administrator
- /usr/local/bin : locally compiled binaries, local shell script, etc.
/usr/local/src : Source code (place where to extract and build non debian'ized stuffs)
- /var/
Variable data, such as logs, databases, websites, and temporary spool (e-mail..) files